Ok for my next HOW TO i will try and explain speed jumps over small rollers. I didnt have a stunt double so i had to perform this myself. Note iam wearing Pro Tec helmet and Thor gloves, Vans shoes.(shameless plug)

Step 1: The approach, in a race you aint going to want to slow down, you want to go through every obstacle like its not there! As fast and as smooth as you can. If your learning for fun then and to improve your skill level then just slow it all down.
I tell people in sessions "sometimes you have to slow down to go faster" strange but true, knock off a rev and you will be suprised, you end up going faster! That applies most of all when your learning a trick.
Approach at a medium/fast speed a few feet before the obstacle pull back on the bars to lift the front wheel up, i lean back on the bike to help this. I also cover my rear brake to stop it looping.

Step 2: Now we are getting there, the jump is nearly on us, i use my knees to soak up the bumps and although ive got a firm grip on the bars, i keep them relaxed. Keep looking at where you want to go.

Step 3: Now you have it, your on the jump compressing your weight to keep the bike low and fast. Dont lean to far back or you will flip over, also to far forward and you could end up OTB ( just like me last week OUCH)

Step 4: Ive cleared the jump keeping the wheels pretty tight to the ground, my weight is more towards the front of the bike.
Keep practising this move till you have it smooth as then you can learn to keep pedaling over things (just like Wozza) or manual down the backside (very impressive. If your really good then you can start to nose bonk stuff on the way over. Wear your pads keep practising and whatever your age or ability you cant beat the feel of a good speed jump.
Names and faces have been changed to protect the guilty...

Step 1: The approach, in a race you aint going to want to slow down, you want to go through every obstacle like its not there! As fast and as smooth as you can. If your learning for fun then and to improve your skill level then just slow it all down.
I tell people in sessions "sometimes you have to slow down to go faster" strange but true, knock off a rev and you will be suprised, you end up going faster! That applies most of all when your learning a trick.
Approach at a medium/fast speed a few feet before the obstacle pull back on the bars to lift the front wheel up, i lean back on the bike to help this. I also cover my rear brake to stop it looping.

Step 2: Now we are getting there, the jump is nearly on us, i use my knees to soak up the bumps and although ive got a firm grip on the bars, i keep them relaxed. Keep looking at where you want to go.

Step 3: Now you have it, your on the jump compressing your weight to keep the bike low and fast. Dont lean to far back or you will flip over, also to far forward and you could end up OTB ( just like me last week OUCH)

Step 4: Ive cleared the jump keeping the wheels pretty tight to the ground, my weight is more towards the front of the bike.
Keep practising this move till you have it smooth as then you can learn to keep pedaling over things (just like Wozza) or manual down the backside (very impressive. If your really good then you can start to nose bonk stuff on the way over. Wear your pads keep practising and whatever your age or ability you cant beat the feel of a good speed jump.
Names and faces have been changed to protect the guilty...